PROUD PARTICIPANT IN THE GED® PUBLISHER PROGRAM!* Get the help you need to ace the test and earn your GED credential with 2 full-length practice tests, content reviews that are 100% aligned with GED test objectives, and 860 drill questions in the book and online.
Techniques That Actually Work
• Essential strategies to help you work smarter, not harder
• Diagnostic self-assessment to help you design a personalized study plan
Everything You Need for a High Score
• Complete coverage of Reasoning Through Language Arts, Mathematical Reasoning, Science, and Social Studies
• Guided lessons with sample questions for all tested topics
Practice Your Way to Excellence
• 2 full-length practice tests with detailed answer explanations
• 860 additional drill questions, both in the book and online
• 20% discount on GED Ready: The Official Practice Test (details inside book)
Plus! Bonus Online Features:
• Multiple-choice practice questions in all 4 test subjects
• Targeted math drills for the toughest topics
• Tutorials to help boost your graphics and reading comprehension skills
• Insider advice on the GED test and college success
• Custom printable answer sheets for the in-book practice tests
*Proud Participant in the GED® Publisher Program! This program recognizes content from publishers whose materials meet 100% of GED test objectives at a subject level. Acceptance into the program means that you can be sure that GED® Test Prep covers content you’ll actually see on the exam.
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