This book Gita Kathamrutham presents the deep practical wisdom contained in the Bhagawad Gita through a medium that has not been tried before The teachings of the Gita are conveyed through a series of short stories of the sort that anyone irrespective of age can read and appreciate The stories are not a retelling of ancient puranic tales nor are they in the genre of popular fables and fairy tales of Indian moral stories These are credible stories written with Indian way of life as the background and most of them have factual events from Indian history as back drop But the stories themselves are purely fictional born of the authors imagination There are 20 stories in the book one each covering the yoga of 18 chapters of the Gita and one each for the first and last verses which happen to be the authors favorite verses Anyone interested in leading a life guided by the erudite wisdom of the Gita will find in these stories all the practical guidance needed for leading a fruitful life
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