Jonathan Swift’s masterpiece, Gulliver’s Travels, is arguably the finest satire in the English language. Lemuel Gulliver’s adventures with the tiny inhabitants of Lilliput and the giants of Brobdingnag are familiarfrom modern abridged adaptations, but the scientists and philosophers of Laputa, the intelligent, horse-like Houyhnhnms and the bestial Yahoos in this unabridged edition, provide further opportunities forSwift to satirise society in a manner just as relevant today as it was in the eighteenth century.A timeless classic, Gulliver’s Travels has spawned numerous literary, theatrical, film and musical adaptations, from Georg Philipp Telemann’s 1728 five-movement suite for two violins to the most recent 2010 live action Hollywood film, Gulliver’s Travels, starring Jack Black.
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